
First Chakra

The first chakra is located at the base of the spine and is commonly called the “root” chakra. This chakra, which connects us to the Earth, gives us vital information about our stability and grounding in third dimension.

Fourth Chakra

The fourth chakra is located in the heart and is commonly referred to as the “heart” chakra. When the fourth chakra is flowing and open we feel deeply connected to everyone in our lives and are able to experience love, compassion and forgiveness for all.

Seventh Chakra

The seventh chakra is located in the pituitary gland. The energy of the seventh chakra can be seen within at the point between the eyebrows and is commonly referred to as “the third eye.” It is the center of insight, inner wisdom and telepathic as well as empathic abilities.


Second Chakra

The second chakra is located in the reproductive area and is commonly referred to as the “sacral” chakra. This chakra is associated with creativity, birth and tantric energy, however, it represents much more.

Fifth Chakra

The fifth chakra is located in the thymus. One of the newly remembered chakras; it is known as “the Seat of the Soul.”  This is the location where the Spirit enters the body and manifests itself in physicality as the soul.


Eighth Chakra

The eighth chakra is located in the pineal gland deep inside the brain. A newly remembered chakra, it is directly connected to Source energy and our feeling of connection to the entire universe. The eighth chakra is known as the “Seat of Source Memory”.


Third Chakra

The third chakra is located near the navel and is often referred to as the “solar plexus.” The third chakra holds the energy of our personal and spiritual power.


Sixth Chakra

The sixth chakra is located in the throat area and is often called the “throat” chakra. It relates to your ability to communicate and express your ideas and visions.


Ninth Chakra

The ninth chakra is located at the crown of the head and is commonly referred to as the “crown” chakra. It connects us to higher consciousness and multiple dimensions.